Subject: Watts Towers Bibliography by Bud Goldstone
Date: February 23, 2005
From: "N. J. Bud Goldstone"
Dear TryWatts.Com;
After finishing a personal run-through of your work on the Watts Towers Bibliography, I can only say GREAT!
The Watts Towers Bibliography on TryWatts.Com will have great value to researchers of many disciplines. After all,. the history of the Towers, of the area called Watts, of Rodia and actually of the entire genre of 'art environments' throughout the world is clearly reflected in your truly amazing translation from my simple draft to your finished product.
Congratulations on a creative and professional rendering of my humble typed "bibliography". Great!
Original Signed
Bud Goldstone
N. J. Bud Goldstone, art conservation engineer & author of:
The Los Angeles Watts Towers, 1997 and 2002 Getty Museum & Conservation Institute